this week

I know you are checking here each day to see if there is any update. 
I often start to write a post and then don’t know what to say.

Most days are like the day before… the ups and downs continue. Dad is finished with therapy and we’re not sure if it is coincidental or not, but he seems happier and less agitated. He is smiling more at his caregivers and even thanking them. Overall his eating has improved.  So it seems Dad has settled into life at the Towers.

Here’s a few photos from the past week…

manicure from son-in-law, Mike
MANicure from son-in-law, Mike
piano concert by special friend, Lucy
piano concert by special friend, Lucy
checking out Dad's new wheelchair
checking out Dad's new wheelchair
a visit from Max
a visit from Max
"Mr Y and HB"
"Mr Y" & "H"
the blessing of a friend
the blessing of a friend

Words that have encouraged us this week…

  • never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God ~ corrie ten boom
  • resting in the Lord is not dependent on your external circumstances at all, but on your relationship with God Himself ~ oswald chambers
  • if you feel adequate for the task… the challenge is too small ~ Dad’s bible
  • never turn God’s facts into hopes, or prayers, but simply use them as realities, and you will find them powerful as you believe them. ~ streams in the desert
  • surely, just as I have intended, so it has happened, and just as I have planned so it will stand ~ Isaiah 14:24

We say it every time, but we mean it sincerely… THANK YOU for your prayers and all the ways you show us you care. We continue to need wisdom, strength, peace, grace… to live one day at a time, to rest in God’s sovereignty, to allow God to work out His plan.

Now to Him who is able to do far and above all we could ask or think… infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes and dreams, to Him be all the glory!

7 thoughts on “this week

  1. thank you ruthi..

    your doing a super job..
    as you continue to find your words..
    as you continue to share them..
    each post is very powerful..



  2. I know the feeling Ruthi of not having any new news some days. That’s OK. I do appreciate the pictures. I am glad to hear your dad is settling in and doing better. Hang in there and pace yourself, don’t forget to take time out for you and your mom. May God give you and your mom daily strength. Love you,


  3. Your pictures are such a blessing and the words of encouragement you’ve listed mean so much! I think of the many times your Daddy was an encouragement to us…your Mama too! We are continuing to pray!

    Sam & Kathie


  4. Thanks for the good words and the update of the pictures

    Tell the “Old Warrior” he is loved here in Arkansas …


  5. Blessings, Art, Evy, Ruthi and ALL,

    Know that daily we pray for all of you and keep you in our hearts. We know the Lord strengthens you and we know you feel His love no matter your circumstances. It is such a blessing to read your words and see the pictures. As your mom said to us “I don’t know what I would do without her, she has been doing so much” – you are such a blessing! We were so happy to visit Art and Evy last weekend and so blessed to share a hug and prayer. Your dad was peaceful and shared a few words and tightlysqueezed our hands….we left a big hug – red “monkeys” hugging, that your mom said reminded her of the jungle. Blessings and love, Mike and Darlene Bodnar, Tampa


    1. thank you Mike and Darlene. sorry I missed your visit. And thank you so much for the friendship bread you made for the staff. We took it in on Monday and personally gave one to each of Dad’s caregivers. They were touched. And yes, the red monkeys add a bright spot to his room.


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