better than a hallelujah

I love it when something just comes together and you know it was a God thing.
A couple weeks ago Mark came home and told me about seeing this sign…

which led to some good discussion.
Maybe we do not understand the intent,
but that statement just doesn’t sit right with us.
Quite the contrary, we believe that God delights to bless us
in the middle of our messes.
We do not have to be “perfect” before God can bless us.
Why would we need God then?
Jesus, who is in the business of rebuilding, restoring, and reconciling,
is after a relationship with us, not our performance.
And this is the message that gives us hope.

On Monday, as I was driving out to the beach,
 thinking about this,
a song by Amy Grant began to play on the radio.
It tied in perfectly with what God was showing me about our messes
and was the inspiration for this little slideshow.
Nothing speaks to my soul like words, music, and photos.
I pray it encourages you to come as you are, mess and all,
to the only One who gives Hope. 


We pour out our miseries
God just hears a melody
Beautiful the mess we are
The honest cries of breaking hearts
Are better than a Hallelujah.

7 thoughts on “better than a hallelujah

  1. We had a similar discussion here at work. Mike brought up that board. We agreed with you. Our messes is what brought Jesus down to earth. I’m so glad He came to heal and clean up our messes. Great song by Amy and lovely use of words and pictures by you as always.


  2. thank you for the thought provoking post …
    this sign kind of flies in the face of “come as you are” doesn’t it ..
    if we had waited for our “no-messy” sinless perfection before we
    recieved HIM as our SAVIOR .. we would still be waiting ..
    …much love from me to you ..
    jackie =)


  3. I know God is in my “mess” and so thankful that He walks with me every
    minute to carry the load. Thank you for these wonderful words and thoughts.


  4. Ruthi this was BEAUTIFUL!
    Thank you God for bringing Ruthi and her family into my life. I know that You have answered many of the cries of my heart lately with the gift of this blog and the awesome woman who writes it.


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