DR mission trip, part 2

There are many stories to tell.

One of the great things about being a part of a team, is getting to know everyone and hearing their story. We all remarked how everyone worked well together, pitched in wherever needed, and served with such joy. Not wanting to leave anyone out, but there are a few who really touched ny heart. I think we were all blown away by the story of these two remarkable people, Marty and Alex.

Two people who in spite of tragedy, are so full of Jesus and his love. So refreshing!

Sandy (on the left) and Robyn, childhood friends on their first mission trip, spreading sunshine with everyone. Sandy, without hesitating gave away her own shoes to a woman in need.

I wish I had the time to write about everyone. But for now I want to share about the reason we, a team of doctors, nurses, dentists, a pharmacist, translators, and support staff, served…

We saw approximately 1000 people in 5 days of clinics, 3 days in Santiago and 2 in La Vega.

We saw Dominicans

and Haitians,


and old.

Some were very sick

others were relatively healthy and just needed a little TLC

So we saw lots of people, tended to their physical needs and loved on them.


But as Dr Shamsey, our team leader, says… meeting their physical needs is secondary to the real reason we go. We go to share the good news of Jesus Christ. We go to tell them that His light will break through their darkness.

That only God can heal their wounds.

That there is forgiveness and healing and restoration.

After each person saw the doctors and had their physical needs attended to, they had the opportunity to talk to someone… someone who would listen to their story.

There were so many stories of wounded people. Diana (in the photo above) is one of my heroes. I have never seen another person so used of God in the ministry of healing hearts.

Sometimes she would take an hour or more just to listen and talk. She would sometimes use the beanie babies that you gave as a tool in helping women who had lost their baby through abortion. The women would hold the beanie babies, caressing them as they told God what was in their hurting heart. Just amazing to see God work.

Before each person left they were given clothes, beanie babies, bibles, eye glasses, etc.

By the end of the week, we touched the lives of 1000 people, but all of heaven was rejoicing because 111 people are now experiencing a new life through Jesus Christ! These 111 people  will be discipled by the local Dominican believers.

How humbling that God takes our inadequate humanness and changes lives for eternity. Oh happy day!

I want to share more and hope to do so as I process my thoughts, time allows, and photos from others on the team filter in. But I couldn’t wait to thank you for your prayers and donations. YOU were as big a part of this mission trip as any of us that went. God bless you abundantly for putting your words into action.

Here is a slideshow put together by a young man from the Santiago church. It says it all!

5 thoughts on “DR mission trip, part 2

  1. oh ruthi ..
    amazing that you could get you pictures up..
    and find your words to share so soon after your return..
    know that you must be weary ..
    thank you for your beautiful report ..
    praising the Lord for my 111 new brothers and sisters !!!


  2. What a wonderful report Ruthi. We rejoice with you and Mark in all that God accomplished with this trip. We rejoice in all those who prayed to receive Christ. His name be praised! He has certainly answered many prayers. For you to have all this posted so quickly is amazing. God has given you a gift. Love you. Dad and Mom (Sylvia) De Jong


  3. Thank you Ruthi for the report on your trip. What a wonderful blessing you all were to the people there as well as them being a blessing to you. Thanks for the photos and words.


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