something special

Thought I would try to quickly update you all each morning if possible and share this journey with you with a few words and photos.

Dad continues to sleep and all who see him comment that he looks comfortable and peaceful. Our hearts are so grateful that he is.

We are back with Hospice and thankful for what they give to us at this time. The Hospice Chaplain came by and sang two beautiful hymns over Dad and spoke a powerful blessings over him and us. Her voice was angelic and her words so annointed. I have started calling her the hospice angel, because not only is she a beautiful woman, but she has a beautiful spirit.

The staff here at the Towers, where Dad has been for two and a half years have been so good to us. We are thankful that Dad’s room is at the end of the hall with a sitting area just outside his door. They have provided drinks and snacks for us and are doing everything they can to make this time special.

The day was sprinkled with friends and family stopping by, allowing God to strengthen us through their words. Reminded by Pastor Helms that “something special is about to happen!”

One special moment to remember was when Veronica was saying good-bye to Dad. She held Joshua up close to his great grandpa’s face and Joshua began smiling, cooing and “talking” loud and longer than I have ever heard him. I think he and Dad were having a conversation.

A highschool friend of mine from Ben Lippen days wrote … “I remember your father as a tall, strong and passionate man and he will step back into those footprints very soon” I love that!

Thank you so very much for all your phone calls, emails and comments here and on FaceBook. You know if we could we would respond to each one individually, but right now I just want to say thank you so much.

Here’s a little something from Dad’s bible…

He had beautiful handwriting.