
Here we are 9 full days since Dad has food or fluid. He is comfortable without the aid of any meds… just sleeping peacefully. Janet, his hospice nurse described him as “unencumbered”. I love that!!! His breathing has changed… deeper and more labored and a bit raspy. But the nurse just came in and his oxygen is 96 and his pulse is 82 at the moment. Death like birth is really an amazing process.

Mom and I showed up this morning dressed like twins! Too funny!

Last night when I got home I struggled a bit with Mom and I not being with Dad during the night. I called and talked to Nurse Donna and she took her time and talked with me, answering my questions and assuring me that he was in good hands and that he was not quite ready to go yet. I am so thankful that Mom and I both are getting restful uninterrupted sleep so far. My prayer is that we will be with Dad when he enters into glory. Especially Mom… she has been by his side so faithfully for so long. Will you join with me in asking this favor?

We have Dad’s bible here and it really is quite the experience to sit and look through it. I can still hear Dad preaching and sharing his heart.

Pastor Helms shared the other day about Jesus standing when Stephen entered heaven. Jackie, Mom and I have had lots of good conversations about this. Why did Jesus, who is seated at the right hand of God, stand? Was it because Stephen was a martyr? Was it because he finished the task God had given him? When we asked Pastor Helms, he said sometimes God gives us scriptures that we can’t fully understand and says, ” have fun with this one.” We won’t know until glory, but it is a beautiful thought that Jesus may stand to greet Dad. Here’s another peek into Dad’s bible.

Thank you so much for your love and prayers dear friends…

7 thoughts on “unencumbered

  1. Oh Ruthi, I remember…..those are all understandable concerns and yes, God does care about every aspect. Yes, I’m praying for you all.


  2. Dear Lord Jesus, We ask Your favor…that Evy & Ruthi might be with Your mighty servant as he enters into Your presence.
    We’ll give You the glory, Father. And I thank You for the privilege of knowing this precious family…oh how You’ve used dear Art & Evy in my Spiritual life over the years..I praise You for this Godly man & woman!


  3. Ruthi, I appreciate the time you take in keeping the update on your Dad, even in the midst of these difficult times. You have so much of your Dad & Mother in you. I see it in your writing. By the way…I love your Mother’s writing too..and your Dad should have written a book..I’m sure he’s heard that many times! We’re praying!


  4. Ruthi, I’ve only recently started reading your blog. I am friends of your friend Cherie K. Your journey with your Dad has struck tender cords with me. I walked with my Mom during her last week journeying toward Heaven in July. God’s presence and gifts of grace were so evident–as you are also finding. I prayed often that He would allow Mom to pass on with me (I was staying nights with her), and He so graciously answered that prayer. I’m joining you in asking that you and your Mom would be privileged to be there when your precious Dad enters Heaven in the arms of Jesus. Deb Weaver


  5. Dear Ruthi, I tried doing this once before and for some reason it was rejected so I have not tried since. I am so impressed and Praising the Lord for how He has developed in you the gift of writing thru this time of watching your precious Dad loose his grip on life in the Towers….We often wonder why the Lord allows this to happen to one of his choosen ones but I have come to the conclusion that it is for those ‘living’ He is working on and teaching lessons of ‘faith’ that cannot be learned otherwise. May I again, encourage you to pray and consider what He wants you to do with your Dad’s notes, Bible and even recordings….Am sure that he will be a continued blessing as his words and lessons continue to be read and heard thru what the Lord does thru you.


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